Lost In Time

I am a criminal without a crime,
I am a genius without a mind,
Always a reason but there's never a rhyme,
How can patience be my virtue when I'm out of time?

Chop Shop has these amazing eyes out at The Thrift Shop, and beautiful tops at Classically KinkyThe 'Light Ripple' eyes are only 50L per pair, and come with both mesh and system versions, available in seven different colours. Lyl is wearing the blue, but they are all equally gorgeous and it has been impossible for me to pick favourites.The tops are only 150L, available in four colour options, Black, Chrome, Silver (as seen on Lyl), and Gold, with appliers for Maitreya, Belleza, SLink Physique, and Lola's as well as system layers for those who haven't taken the mesh body leap just yet.
Beusy this gorgeous hair called 'Forget It' out at Tres Chic for only 250L per colour pack, 300L for the variety and ombre packs, and 1500L for the fatpack!


Head - Beaute Dragona
Hair - Beusy Forget It [Naturals] 300L @ Tres Chic
Eyes - Chop Shop Light Ripple [Blue] 50L @ The Thrift Shop


Top - Chop Shop Fissure [Silver] 150L @ Classically Kinky


Window - oOo Studio Adrienne
Bed - Bounce This Poses Girl Sitting 2L


Skybox - Two Cats Simple SciFi Skybox 1L
Bed - Hucci Studio Bed [Blanket] (n/a)
Stasis - Virtual Syl Design CyTecCryo IXI 1L

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